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Ethical problems that arise in a business environment

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Ethical problems that arise in a business environment
The ethics of business relations is based on the general rules of behavior developed by people in the process of joint activity and includes a system of specific directions, moral requirements and norms of behavior[1]. Recently, great attention has been paid to the problem of the ethics of communication in business, there has even been a separate branch of science with a name that defines itself as interdisciplinary, based on the theory of morality, management, economics and psychology.
[1] Gerchikova I.N. Management: A textbook for universities. 4th ed., Reworked and add. - M. Unity - Dona, 2005. - P. 12

References (14 sources)
1. Botavina R.N. Ethics of business relations: Textbook. Benefit.-M., 2001. – 315р.
2. Botavina R.N. Ethics of management: Textbook-M: Finance and Statistics 2007-192р.
3. Braim I.N. Ethics of business communication. - Minsk: Life, 2006. – 160р.
4. Corporate culture: study guide. Author - comp. I.N. Kuznetsov - PL.: Book House; Misanta 2006. – 304р.
5. Debolsky M.S. Psychology of business communication. - M .: PRIOR, 2003. – 250р.
6. Dunkel J. Business Etiquette. Phoenix. Rostov-on-Don .2007. - P. 19.

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