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Life and reign of queen Elizabeth II

27 стр лист.
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Работа пользователя Meerimku03
Elizabeth II is a real "centenarian" on the British throne: she has occupied it since 1952, the oldest monarch in the history of Great Britain, as well as the oldest head of state in the world. Before her, her great—grandmother Queen Victoria (1819-1901, on the throne since 1837) ruled the longest - 63 years, seven months and two days.
During the time Elizabeth II was on the throne, 14 prime ministers were replaced. The first of them was Winston Churchill (1874-1965, head of government — 1951-1955). Now the government is headed by Boris Johnson (1964, in office — since 2019).
When Elizabeth II ascended the throne, Great Britain was just recovering from the devastating effects of the Second World War. So, almost until the mid-1950s, products in the country were distributed by cards.
Since then, a lot of events have happened: the once powerful British Empire has been replaced by a Commonwealth uniting 54 nations, whose participation in the creation of which is considered a great merit of Elizabeth II. In its current form, it was formed in 1949. Then the word "Britain" disappeared from its name, and the provision on citizenship to the British Crown disappeared from the charter.
          According to the constitution of Great Britain, the monarch now has few powers, Elizabeth II, according to historians, has "soft power" and was able to make the monarchy a kind of unifying factor against the background of social differences.
Some experts believe that the reign of Elizabeth II can be called the "second golden age", which resembles the reign of another monarch — Elizabeth I (1533-1603, ruled from 1558). This period is considered one of the greatest in the history of Great Britain. At that time, the country's economy was growing and its influence in the world was expanding.

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