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Работа пользователя Vseznayka1995
Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется курсовая работа на тему: «THE CONSEQUENCES OF BASEL III REQUIREMENTS FOR LIQUIDITY HORIZON AND IT’S IMPLICATION ON OPTIMAL TRADING STRATEGY»
Оригинальность работы 93%

Table of contents

Introduction....................................................................................................... 3
Calculating the ES according to the Basel standards........................................... 6
Literature review................................................................................................ 9
Methodology and data..................................................................................... 14
Results............................................................................................................. 26
Conclusion...................................................................................................... 41
Bibliography.................................................................................................... 42

In this research we present a formula-based approach to derive the optimal levels of liquidity horizon for banks’ market risk capital requirements in accordance with Basel III standards. Our topic mainly concerns bank’s market risk, since the liquidity horizon (LH) is an important parameter for computing the total expected shortfall (ES), which in turn replaced the value at risk (VaR) as a risk measure for bank’s internal modelling. The LH, according to Basel (2019), is defined as “the time assumed to be required to exit or hedge a risk position without materially affecting market prices in stressed market conditions”, and is used in banks’ internal model approach to calculate the acceptable level of capital safety – specifically, it figures in the computation of ES – the expected loss in case if VaR is exceeded.
Our proposition of a formula-based approach to determine the LH is motivated by at least two factors. Firstly, investments still make up a substantial portion of banks assets. As shown in Figure 1, the total investments in tradable securities among global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) was around 20.93 bln. USD for the last FY in 2019. Although the share of investments has been trending downward during the last decade, the amount of assets that directly fall under the market risk supervision is still considerable. Secondly, in our opinion, the absence of formulas or any objective methodology that justifies the use of the current LH values in ES calculation leaves a huge space for its further improvements. As far as we are concerned, the current Basel recommendation in calculating the expected shortfall has two major disadvantages. Firstly, the choice of market-risk factors and their respective time horizons is set arbitrarily without any objective foundation and is subject to constant discussions. The choice of specific LH values is not based on strong evidence and thus, represent the opinion of the authority as for the most appropriate time frame to eliminate the respective risks in case of market turbulence. Secondly, the provided methodology of calculating the ES heavily
Figure 1.
The amount and the share of investments in G-SIB book from 2009-2019.










42.64% 42.52%







38.27% 38.41% 38.55%








Total assetsTotal investmentsShare of investments

Source: created by the author from data in Financial Stability Board, TR Eikon. aggregates the market risk factors to only 5 types of market instruments (see Table 2), leaving behind other individual security-specific types of risks that also affect portfolio value. As we know, each market instrument has its own intrinsic market risk which cannot be simply diversified away, so the current methodology may fall short in case when the bank’s portfolio consists of not diversified portfolio.
To resolve this issue, we propose a different approach. Our methodology is based on a seminal contribution from Almgren & Chriss (2000), who studied the optimal portfolio execution problem in presence of uncertainty and derived an explicit formula for calculating the “half-life” – the optimal time horizon for the execution of an individual security. We modified their formula of “half-life” to accommodate for practical estimation procedures based on available data and incorporate it directly into the computation of optimal expected shortfall (OES), which solves the issue of
aggregated risk factors by scaling each security’s ES individually inside a portfolio with the optimal LH specific to each security at different times. We then backtested the behavior of both regulatory ES (RES) and optimal ES (OES) estimates on time series of two major US stock indices: S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrial by using a novel regression-based approach suggested by Bayer, S., & Dimitriadis, T. (2018). Specifically, we employed the strict ES regression (S-ESR) and the intercept ES regression (I-ESR) forms of the test.
We obtained two interesting results. Firstly, throughout the period of our study, the optimal LH of both SP500 and DJIA stocks did not exceed 1, which meant that index portfolios could be depleted in less than a day. Secondly, we found that due to low LH values, our OES model slightly underestimated the ES compared to the RES, but further check with both S-ESR and I-ESR tests revealed that while OES model gives correct estimates of ES, the RES instead strongly overestimates it.
The structure of our thesis is as follows. In the next section we present the current methodology of calculating the ES as described in Basel (2019). Then in the literature review, we provide a detailed review of the current state of research in terms of the general framework of estimating and backtesting techniques of the ES, the portfolio optimal execution framework and studies that included the LH concept in their studies. In our methodology, we present the base model of Almgren and Chriss (2000) and outline the key points in implementing our strategy to obtain the ES with optimal LH values. In our results, we present some statistics of the optimal LH and ES calculated by using the Basel III and our own formula and provide the results of the ES backtests. Finally, we finish our thesis with concluding remarks.

Calculating the ES according to the Basel standards.
In this subsection, we present the methodology for calculating the ES outlined in Basel III and provide a simple example to give the basic idea of how the inclusion of the LH parameter affects the total ES. The minimum capital requirements for market risk were revised in January 14th, 2019, which replaced the earlier version from January 2016 and will come into effect on January 1st, 2022. The standards introduced some notable changes in terms of banks’ internal risk modelling but kept the old method of calculating expected shortfall intact. According to the standards, the banks have a discretion in terms of modelling their expected shortfall, but they also must fulfill the minimum requirements imposed by Basel III. The banks are required to use 97.5th percentile one-tailed confidence level for estimating the 10-day ES and scale the estimates by the respective liquidity horizons of risk factors:


(     −    −1)

= √(     (  ))2 + ∑ (     (  ,   )√)(1)

  • where:
    • RES is the regulatory liquidity-adjusted ES.
    • T is the length of the base horizon, i.e. 10 days.
    • (  ) is ES at horizon T of a portfolio with positions P = (pi) with respect to shocks to all risk factors that the positions P are exposed to.
    • (  ,   ) is ES at horizon T of a portfolio with positions P = (pi) with respect to shocks for each position pi in the subset of risk factors Q (pi, j) and all other risk factors held constant.
    • LHj is the liquidity horizon j as shown in Table 1:
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