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Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «THE EVOLUTION OF MALAY NATIONHOOD AND “SPECIAL RIGHTS” (1946-1948)»
Оригинальность работы 94%

Table of Contents

Approaches and research framework 5
Method and Methodology 6
Sources 7
Historiography 12
Existing Works of the Malay Nation and “Special Rights” 12
Defining nation 13
The Roles of Empires 14
Rights and “Special Rights” 16
Definitions 18
Nation 18
Special Rights 18
CHAPTER I: 1946 – The (Re)Birth of a Nation 21-41
Historical Background 21
Who is a “Malay”? 24
Malay or Malayan? 30
Institutionalising Nationality and Rights 37
What Constitutes a Malay in 1946? 39
CHAPTER 2: 1948 – Ratifying Malay Nationhood and Officialising “Special Rights” 41-54
Malayan Union- The Spark of a Nation 43
The People’s Nation? 46
Whose Imagined Nation? 51
Concluding Remarks 53
Nationhood and “Special Rights” 55
The Role of Colonial and Imperial Reconstruction 59
Concluding Remarks 61
Summary 61
Further Research 63

Despite having no direct interest or participatory role in the Second World War, Malaya was inadvertently dragged into a chain reaction that would eventually saw the genesis of its modern nation in the 1940’s. The events that followed would lead to an eventual construction of the Malay nation as well as the designation of “special rights” that would have an everlasting impact on the modern Malay nation up to this day.
This research aims to examine this particular construction of nation, as well as its relationship with the designation of the “special rights” for the Malay people through the lens of imperial and colonial reconstruction right after the end of the Second World War. Through this research, I aim to dissect the decision-making process that went on behind the policies that helped shape the trajectory of Malay nationhood and the special rights accorded to them. In doing so, I hope to answer the main research question; how has Malay nationhood and its “special rights” evolved from 1946-1948?
As the main research question does seem rather general, this research would also examine few sub-questions that would hopefully contribute to understanding the bigger picture in the construction of the Malay nation and its special rights. Among those questions are;
  1. What was the dynamic of the relationship between the Malay nation with its special rights?
  2. What were the specific rights categorized under “special rights” that were significant in the aforementioned relationship dynamics?
  3. Who were the main driver or historical actors behind the official construction of the Malay nation and institutionalization of its special rights throughout 1946-1948?
  4. How has the element of colonial and imperial reconstruction of order affected the trajectory or direction of Malay nation-building in 1946-1948?
By also examining the sub-questions above, this research aims to chart out the evolutionary track of Malay nationhood and its special rights by dissecting the reasoning as well as the decision-making process or mechanism behind the nation-building project in 1946-1948. In short, I aim to examine the whys, the whos and the hows behind the construction of the Malay nation and its” special rights” in this research paper.

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