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The Program for Optical Flow Estimation Based on Deep Learning Approaches

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Table of Contents


Keywords ................................................................................................................v

Terms and Abbreviations ......................................................................................vi
1.INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................1


1.1.Optical Flow Estimation ................................................................................4

1.2.Vehicle Speed Estimation .............................................................................8

1.3.Deep Learning ...............................................................................................9

1.4.Problem Statement ......................................................................................15

1.5.Relevance and Motivation ...........................................................................15

1.6.Research Question .......................................................................................15

1.7.Goal .............................................................................................................15


1.9.Conclusion ...................................................................................................16
2.LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................17

2.1.Classical Methods for Determination ..........................................................17

2.1.1.  Lucas-kanade.........................................................................................17

2.1.2.Horn and Schunck .................................................................................18

2.2.State of the Arts Methods for Determination ..............................................18

2.2.1.FlowNet .................................................................................................18

2.2.2.FlowNet2.0 ............................................................................................19

2.2.3.SpyNet ...................................................................................................20

2.2.4.  Speed Estimation using Optical Flow for Vehicle Tracking ................22

2.2.5.  Using a UAV Platform to Estimate the Speed of Multiple Moving

Objects 23

2.2.6.  Using Smartphone Sensors Using For Estimating Vehicle Speed on

Highway Roads ..................................................................................................23

2.3.Summary of Methods and Algorithms ........................................................24


2.4.Conclusion ...................................................................................................26
3.METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................28

3.1.Requirements Analysis ................................................................................28

3.1.1.Functional Requirements ......................................................................28

3.1.2.System Architecture ..............................................................................29

3.1.3.Workflow ..............................................................................................31

3.1.4.Flowchart ...............................................................................................31

3.2.Dataset .........................................................................................................33

3.3.Solution Approach in Steps .........................................................................34

3.4.Conclusion ...................................................................................................38

4.1.Tools and technologies ................................................................................39

4.2.Experiments and Results .............................................................................40

Test Result 1 ......................................................................................................40

Test Result 2: After some adjustments ..............................................................41

Test Result 3. Further adjustments ....................................................................42

4.3.Impact of the parameters of the proposed approach ...................................43

4.4.Software Program (The Application) ..........................................................44

4.4.1.  How to Setup and Test (Use) The Application .....................................44

4.5.Conclusion ...................................................................................................45
5.  EVALUATION, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION ...................................46

5.1.Evaluation ....................................................................................................46

5.1.1.Comparison ...........................................................................................46


5.2.1.  Interpreting and explaining results. .......................................................47

5.2.2.Answering research question. ...............................................................48

5.2.3.Justifying approach. ..............................................................................48

5.2.4.Critically evaluating study ....................................................................48

5.3.Conclusion ...................................................................................................49

5.4.  Future Works....................................................................................... 49
6.   BIBLIOGRAPHY (REFERENCES).......................................................... 50
7.   APPENDIXES.......................................................................................... 56
Appendix 1. CNN Model............................................................................. 56
Appendix 2. Optical Flow vs Receptive Field Maps of LPTCs [42].............. 56
Appendix 3. Image processing; CNN vs Brain [43]....................................... 57
Appendix 4. Script for creating ROI.............................................................. 57
Appendix 5. Project folder Structure............................................................. 58

Images are great in all; videos are even more resourceful because there is more information in a video than in an image. Image exposes merely the spatial positioning of the pixels, thus the relative position of each pixel but in a video, there exists a set of individual film frames or video frames, which are typically many still images, that sequentially compose the complete moving pictures to make up the video over time. So, a video contains the same spatial information and an additional temporal component. Meaning that not only the location of a pixel exits but also when this pixel value assumes any particular location. This additional information gives knowledge about the time and duration of the pixel. In other words, information in a video is encoded not only spatially, but also sequentially with respect to time. This amount of information opens a lot of doors on what could be investigated and made processing of videos more interesting.
Optical flow is one of these doors. It is a technique use to track the motion of objects in videos. This technique has a number of different applications including video compression, video stabilization, video description (a more recent application area), object detection and tracking, velocity estimation, and to mention but a few. Optical flow estimation is a per-pixel prediction which means it estimates the displacement of the pixel brightness as they travel across the video frames [9]. Optical flow is a per-pixel prediction which means to estimate how the pixel brightness moves across the screen over time [10],[11].
With the recent advancements and benefits of AI, Deep Neural Networks are becoming a popular approach to solving problems. They enable computers learn features from images and videos to predict certain behaviour. Imagine if athletes run with a camera on their chest, could the speed of the athlete be determined in real time? Given a video from the dashboard camera of a moving car, can the speed of

the car be determined? If that of a car would be possible, why can it not work for athletics as well. The relevance of this idea is not only in the above-mentioned applicable areas but also could be used in understanding people flow. In the paper by Hara et al, a method to estimate the flow of pedestrians was proposed and accomplished with the help of a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) [12]. This was estimated from dashboard camera video. Determining the speed of a car can be very challenging but with labelled data and a CNN architecture and with help of optical flow, it might be feasible to estimate the speed. Let us explore optical flow a little further and proceed with a little further insight on vehicle speed estimation.
Determining the speed of a car can be very challenging but with labelled data and a CNN architecture and with help of optical flow, we might be able to estimate the speed.
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