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Добрый день! Уважаемые студенты, Вашему вниманию представляется дипломная работа на тему: «TRENDS IN TRANSLATING ENGLISH TERMS IN RUSSIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY»
Оригинальность работы 96%

Introduction. 3
1.   Theoretical Part 7
1.1.   Terms and their peculiarities. Terminology. 7
1.2.   Methods of translation of terms. Non-equivalent vocabulary. 12
1.3.   The notion of borrowing. 15
1.4.   Tourism industry in Russia: modern situation. 18
1.5.   English terminology of tourism.. 21
1.6.   Russian terminology of tourism.. 23
2.   Practical Part 28
2.1.   Methodology of the research. 28
2.2.   Results 32
2.3.   Methods of translation. 33
2.4.   Suggestions 40
Conclusion. 42
References 44
Appendix 1. 51
Appendix 2. 59

In recent decades, due to the scientific and technical progress and globalization, tourism industry has steadily developed.  The quality of personalized service has improved and the flow of tourists from the Russian Federation to foreign countries is growing every year.
In accordance with the Border Service of the FSB of Russia, in 2018, the TOP 10 foreign countries, which the majority of Russians visited, included Turkey, Germany, Thailand, Italy, Spain, UAE, Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia and Vietnam. These TOP 10 countries account for 71.62% of the total number of Russian tourists, travelling to the countries of the far abroad (except for the Border States) or 47.5% of the total flow to foreign countries, except for the post-Soviet States (Statistika vyyezda rossiyskikh grazhdan za rubezh v 2018 godu).
Moreover, according to the Federal state statistics service Rosstat, in 2018, the number of tourist trips from Russia increased by 5.8% (or 2 million 335 thousand) to 41 million 964 thousand from 39 million 629 thousand in 2017 (Turstat, 2019).
Consequently, the high rates and the need for a decent level of service contribute to the opening of new hotels and travel companies. In addition, the role tourism plays in people’s lives and the need for acquaintance with other cultures, including foreign, is increasing. Some scientists suggest that tourism is one of the means of intercultural communication, including oral and written manifestation (Stoyanova, R. S., 2018). There are 2 principal issues within this context, both of which arise because of cultural differences: misunderstanding and miscommunication (Gutareva, N. YU., 2015). Words can be understood in a different way and the terms of communication vary among cultures. It is necessary to interpret the terms, used in tourism industry, with the objective of mitigating these problems.
The urgency of the paper is also explained by the fact that tourism terms lack studying (Sakaeva, L. R. & Bazarova, L. V., 2018). Therefore, they need to be reviewed and streamlined, that may make the translation of the terms more professional and correct.
For the most part, the previous studies on this research topic are characterized as descriptive. There are papers on the following research topics: the development of tourism terminology and methods of translation of these terms (Denisova, G., Drozd, A. & Romanovich, R., 2011); problems of touristic translation (Korolkova, S.A., Novozhilova, A.A & Sheiko, A.M., 2017); description of types and factors of the appearance of English borrowings in the Russian language (Vinnikova, M.N., Kornilova E.D. & Pavitskaya, Z.I., 2018). However, there are scientific articles of a more investigative nature. For example, the topic of logical-conceptual and structural analysis is researched in the papers of Vinogradova L.V. (2010), Sakaeva L.R. & Bazarova L.V. (2018). Consequently, it is evident that Russian and English terminology of hospitality industry and tourism has been studied over the last decades. There has been an increasing interest to this analysis but not much can be concluded about what number of English borrowings in the sphere selected exists in the Russian language and how this may affect the interpretation of those terms in the society.
Therefore, English and Russian terminologies of hospitality and tourism have been investigated. In particular, the paper contains a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of formation, development and functioning of touristic terms in the English and Russian languages. This way we focus on the dominant method of translation of English tourism terms into Russian and we have an ability to suggest the potential reasons for this.
The following hypothesis can be formulated: An increasing number of borrowings are observed in the Russian terminology of tourism because the majority of terms are translated by means of transcription or transliteration, and this contributes to intercultural communication.
The purpose of the work is to compare and contrast terms, which are used in the English and Russian tourism spheres, in order to identify the number of English borrowings and their role.
In order to gain the above-outlined aim, our research pursues the tasks that are listed below:
  • to define the concept of terms, terminology and methods of translation;
  • to investigate touristic terms and identify its features;
  • to examine the professional dictionary of hospitality and tourism terms and conduct a continuous sampling of term, translated by the means of borrowings;
  • to reveal the frequency of translation of the terms selected by means of borrowing from the English language into Russian.
The following methods are used: description, quantitative method, qualitative method, the method of continuous sampling, classification, identification of the method of translation and comparative method.
Consequently, the research results can be used in the study of the English lexicology, in compilation of professional dictionaries of hotel and tourism terminology. The data obtained can be implemented to translate hotel and travel companies’ websites from English into Russian.
The following paper consists of the introduction, the theoretical part, the practical part, the conclusion, and the references.
The Introduction shows the relevance of the research, stating the current trends in tourism and presenting some information on the previous studies. It describes the purpose of the research, its object and subject and the research questions. The methods of the research and the structure of the paper are also clarified in the introduction.
The Theoretical part presents the key notions of the current topic, which form the basis for the research. The section defines the notion of term and terminology, translation and methods of translation, and it investigates trends in modern tourism. The current condition of Russian and English tourism terminologies is also described. The part is divided into 6 sections, in accordance with the notions mentioned.
The Practical part comprises 3 parts. The first part is the methods that have been applied for data collection and analysis. The second part includes the description of the obtained results and potential reasons for them. The third part provides suggestions on how to change the results with the aim of decreasing the number of borrowings in the Russian tourism terminology, formulated by the author of the paper.
The Conclusion summarizes the results, obtained in Theoretical Part and Practical Part of the paper.
Lastly, The References presents the list of the sources, used in the paper. 

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